Archive for the ‘Copy a Website’ Category

Tips to Make Your Website Attractive and Visitor Friendly

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Website can play an important part in bringing more customers and increasing your profits. Managing a website is no more a difficult task, there are hundreds of small business owners who manage their own website and save website designers’ fees worth hundreds of dollars.  Here are few tips which can help you to make your website attractive and visitor friendly.


Select appropriate domain name for your website

Always opt for a domain name which is related to your products and services. Select a domain registration company which has a good reputation in market, and is offering domain names at reasonable rates.



Website’s design plays the most important part in attracting visitors. You website should be user friendly. Navigation from one section or page to the other should be convenient and quick. Website’s design should be selected after considering various factors like- the type of payment gateway which you are planning to use on your site, various features, functions, media players, and various plugins which you are planning to install. You can either opt for a new design, or you can use the famous website cloning technique.


Loading time

There is no point in running a website which takes several minutes to load because of its graphics, designs or flash players. People who are visiting your website with a slow internet connection might not even wait on your website if takes too much time to load and open. So, create a website which opens quickly, and use more of text content instead of graphics.


Your website’s content

It is advisable to only post content which is related to your products or services on your website. Visitors might feel misguided if you Post unnecessary content or keywords which are not related to your products or services on your website. Posting irrelevant content and using wrong can drop your website’s search engine ratings. This may reduce your website’s traffic (number of visitors).

Good content will not only keep your website’s visitors on your website for longer time, but it will also attract new visitors from various search engines.



There is no point in installing unnecessary plugins on your website. You should ask your website designer to just install basic plugins to enable content sharing on Facebook, Google plus and twitter. Unnecessary plugins can impact your website’s performance in a negative way.


Avoid pop-ups

According to a recently conducted survey in the United States, internet users dislike pop-ups on websites. So, if you want your website’s visitors to be happy, it is advisable to avoid using pop-ups on your website.


These days, lot of companies and individuals are opting for website cloning, instead of selecting new designs for websites. Website cloning means copying an existing website’s design and creating a similar looking website. This helps in saving lot of money and time.  There are several website cloning service providers, but very few of them are worth trusting. Rabbit clone is one of those very few trusted names for website cloning. You can visit their website for further information-

Rules for creating a worthy website design

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Today it’s more important than ever to have a good online presence for a business. A good and professional looking website design can add a good impression to your customers about your business. However, if your design is difficult to navigate and boring to look at then you’re probably not going to get many visitors creeping in. Hence, it is very crucial to get a top notching design.

There are many website creation companies that offer a website proposal for the people those looking for developing an online identity of their own. They will look into all the aspects and the requirements of the business and will generate a good site with the best selling design on the cyber space.

However as time has evolved so does everything has on the World Wide Web. Web design has come up with a new set of rules and regulations to ensure consistent and usable designs that sell well on the internet.

Some of these rules are:

  • Be simple:

Visitors get frustrated when they get lost in crowds of links and images on your pages while looking for their needs. So, it is always better to keep the web pages simple and less messy. Thus, if you don’t include extra things on your web page, there will be less confusion for the visitor and they can browse through it easily.

  • Be creative:

Whenever you meet someone new for the first time, you will want to make a good first impression. So this goes same with an online design. So, being creative while designing the overall look of your web page is important as that will be the first thing that the visitors will see about you.

  • Be consistent:

Whenever designing one must keep in mind that consistency is a great factor to maintain throughout the design. Visitors must not feel that are visiting a new place each time they click a new page from your page. Maintaining consistency also offer better navigation throughout for the visitors.

  • Be selective:

Being selective when choosing the colors for your pages is very important as color can make or break a website. Using a consistent palette of colors with a strong contrast between the text and the background is important. If you use too many colors you can end up with no visitors as they get repelled with bright colors and fonts.

  • Be organized:

A visitor gets angry when he’s not able to find what he is looking for on your website. This generally happens when your page is not organized well. Hence, all the designers must focus on organizing all the web pages effectively so that the visitors can easily browse along through the different sections on your portal.

  • Be compatible:

You never know through which browser your visitor may creep in. So, it is always better to make sure that your site is compatible with multiple. It is better to check for such matters before making your portal live.

  • Be informative:

Though your pages are beautifully designed, they are like an empty shell if the content is missing. A good website has both great design and great content. Therefore, make sure all your pages have unique, original and informative content.

  • Be flawless:

A great work can get tarnished by a small simple error at times. Hence, it is always better to regularly check the pages for flaws like typos, broken links, and images that do not load correctly. With regular checks and testing a flawless website can be generated.

Seemingly, keeping these rules in mind can come as a great help in website creation. You can get more help and website proposal online easily from professional website designers.

Get a YouTube website replica for yourself

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Copy a website is the quickest way of getting a highly selling web design. Today there is much Software to copy websites that have come up in the market that has simplified the task of the developers to great extent. With these tools they can generate exact replicas of any web page and have a copy for their own business too. One of the biggest advantage of this duplication is that the design which you will get will be tried and tested and so you will not be in dilemma of whether your site will sell or not.


There are many top trending sites on the cyber space from which you can steal your design and get an exact replica of the original site for yourself. However copying the complete design or only some of the features is completely your choice. The Software to copy websites comes with customizable features where you can add or delete any functionality from a site design and generate a copy with your own preferences.


Let’s see some of the features of a top video sharing website ‘YouTube’:

YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, view and share videos. This website uses Adobe Flash Video and HTML5 technology to display a wide variety of user generated video content like movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos.

Here are few Video technology features that YouTube supports:



  • Video Uploading:

YouTube provides Video Uploading feature with 15 minute of time duration limit to all the users. YouTube accepts videos uploaded in all the major video formats like MPEG-4, MPEG, VOB, and .WMV. It also supports 3GP format, allowing videos uploads from mobile phones. All the Videos formats use progressive scanning.

  • Playback Option:

YouTube offers a Playback Option for viewing videos with the Adobe Flash Player plug-in installation on the browser. But advancements allowed videos to be viewed without the need of Adobe Flash Player or any other plug-in for the web browsers supporting the HTML5 standards.

  • Localization:

YouTube offer wide localization with its interface available for the localized versions in 42 countries, one territory (Hong Kong) and a worldwide version. Also, the interface of the YouTube is available in 54 different language versions.

  • Multiple platforms:

YouTube videos are compatible in multiple formats like on the smart phones, range of Apple products and more. The latest version of YouTube was re launched based upon HTML5 standard that supports all the platforms with touch screen controls and Android OS without the Adobe Flash Player installation. YouTube also launched ‘YouTube for TV’, a version tailored for set-top boxes and other TV-based media devices with web browsers.

  • Content accessibility

YouTube offers users the ability to view its videos on web pages outside their medium. Each YouTube video is accompanied by a piece of HTML that can be used to embed it on any page on the Web. This functionality is often used to embed YouTube videos in social networking pages and blogs.

  • 3D support:

YouTube player began supporting side-by-side 3D footage for its videos. All the YouTube users can now upload 3D videos.

  • Quality and codecs:

YouTube videos are available in a range of quality levels like standard quality (SQ), high quality (HQ) and high definition (HD) which has been recently replaced by numerical values showing the vertical resolution of the video.


To Copy a website design from YouTube you can take help from Software to copy websites offered by many San Diego website development firms and generate an exact replica for yourself.

Get a website like Facebook for your business

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Facebook is a social networking website which has over one billion active users, more than half of whom use it on a mobile device. This website is a top ranking website that is selling very much on the cyberspace today. With a wide range of applications and functionalists it can be the best choice for Website duplication if one wants to start a website of their own.

Here are a few features that can be found on the Facebook website. However these are not limited as regularly many new applications and features are being added to it. Let us see some of them.

  • Wall

The Wall is the original profile space where the user’s posted content can be seen. A user can post messages, images, and videos. The latest timeline feature enables quick browsing through the wall by the date of posting. A user’s wall is visible to people only if the user permits them to peep through their profile.

  • Photos

One of the most popular applications on Facebook is the Photos application, where users can upload albums of photos, tag friends helped by face recognition technology, and comment on photos.

  • Videos

Facebook has an application of its own for sharing videos. Users can add their videos to the service by uploading video, adding video through Facebook Mobile, and using a webcam recording feature. Additionally, users can tag their friends in videos. Users also have the option of video messaging.

  • Chat

Facebook Chat allows users to chat with their Facebook friends. A user can chat on a one-to-one basis, or with multiple friends simultaneously through the groups feature. The chat window also displays the users that are online from one’s friend list.

  • Networks, Groups, and Pages

Facebook allows various networks and groups which all the users can join. Groups are used for discussions, events, etc. and are a way of enabling a number of people to come together online to share information and discuss specific subjects. They are increasingly used by clubs and companies to engage with their stakeholders, employees, members, service users, shareholders or customers etc. The latest addition to this website is Business pages that allow marketing of a brand or product and companies on the Facebook platform.

  • Like button

The Like button is a social networking feature, allowing users to express their appreciation of content on status updates, comments, photos, and advertisements. It is also a social plug in on the Facebook Platform.

  • Voice calls

Facebook users have had the ability to make live voice calls via Facebook Chat, allowing users to chat with other users from all over the world.

  • Credits

Facebook Credits is virtual cash that users can use to buy gifts, and virtual goods in many games and applications on the Facebook platform.

  • Notifications

Notifications are the alerts that inform the user that an addition has been added to their profile page.  The Notifications can be of anything like a message being shared on the user’s wall or a comment on a picture of the user or on a picture that the user has previously commented on.

  • Events

Facebook events allow the users to inform about upcoming events in their community and to organize social gatherings. Events require an event name, network, host name, event type, start time, location, and a guest list of friends invited. The Events can be public or private.

  • Multilingual

Facebook offers multilingual support to all its users.

To get a website with such features you can take the Website duplication service from any website development company in San Diego. They use highly integrated Website copy software and provide you with exact replica supporting all the features and functionalities of the original website like Facebook.

Free website design advice from the professionals

Monday, March 4th, 2013

Web site designing is very much in demand these days as the majority of businesses are trying to move to cyberspace and make their identity. They are either creating one by themselves or looking for Free website design advice from the professionals.


Here are a few free website design advice for creating your own website:

  • Make sure that each page in your website has something valuable to offer. Though this is not related anywhere to design, but it’s actually much more important factor to focus than the template. People visit your link to collect some information or to buy something and if you don’t have these things available they will stay away from your site. No one will be interested in your colorful templates and decorations just.
  • Do not use too much of animations on your site that can distract visitors. Blinking or scrolling text, animated GIFs, or auto-loading sound is something that the user is very much not interested in.
  • Avoid using popup windows that can annoy your site visitors. Nobody likes pop-up’s. We all know that when we’re browsing we hate popups that suddenly take us to advertising channels or other places where we are not interested for to land up. This can distract your visitors.
  • Don’t use text over image backgrounds in your design. Text over image backgrounds can give the amateur look, because generally poor and low running sites just use them. You can see that high ranking sites like Google, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, the New York Times, Webmaster World, or any others never use image backgrounds behind the text. A modest and formal look can make you sell more easily. Also, another problem with this is that they take longer to load.
  • Offer clear navigation on your site. When users get lost they like to start over from page one. Make it easy for them by including a way to get back to the home page from every page. Even if you’re including a clickable logo on the top of page, make sure to also include a text label like ‘Home’, because some users don’t realize that logos take you back to the home page. They will leave your site if they get lost in the middle of their search.
  • Compress your image files and videos that you include in your pattern. Nothing is more annoying to the users than waiting for a graphic to load before displaying the needed content. Flash graphics and multimedia may look attractive to eyes, but they’re bad when they make it hard for visitors to get the information they want from your site.
  • Using contrasting colors or simple backgrounds is also one of the important and simple factors to think while creating your website. By doing do you will make your text easy to read for the users. Today, more decent colors and fonts are being used in templates and they are selling well too.
  • Remove broken links periodically will improve your site quality and as well make it more worthy to visit. Regular checking and testing will ensure you that all your links are working well.


Nevertheless, these tips are not limited. There is a never ending history attached to designing and development. If you want any of such free website design advice you can get immediate help online from many professionals. Their websites offer you full assistance in designing and also they can do this task on your behalf. By providing your details about your requirements you can get a Professional website quote from them. They will consider all the aspects of your site and will offer the best applicable quote to you.

Ecommerce as a ‘Power Booster’

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

“Ecommerce has come as a power booster to grow online business and sell the products and services quickly without much effort. But for this effective Website design proposal for your Ecommerce website is very crucial.

Some of the advantages that along with this virtual medium are:
Global Approach: If you have a physical store for your business, you will be limited to a certain geographical area that you service. But if you play with an Ecommerce you can get the whole world as your playground without any barriers of language, geographical location, and people etc. this is the best approach to target globally. Also, with the advent of smart phones this has become the most adopted platforms to do and sell business.

Cost Reduction: One of the biggest advantages of Ecommerce is that it cut down the cost that was earlier used for physical location setup, maintenance and all. Now with one single website business can target billions of people looking for product and services on the internet. However, such costs can be utilized in a much smarter way by offering customers with applicable discounts and gifts. Thus, doing more business.

Offers Comparison Shopping: Ecommerce website facilitates comparison shopping to all its customers. There are several online services that allow customers to browse multiple online merchants and find the best prices and product to cater their needs.

Product Information: When you are displaying products in your physical store there is a limitation to the amount of information that can you can display with it. It is difficult to assign employees to respond to customers who require information about each product detail. But with Ecommerce website business owners can put any amount of information about the product to help consumers to understand the product they are buying more clearly. When they know what actually they are buying they will be much satisfied.

24*7 Availability: Ecommerce website can run all the time and are open 24*7. For the merchant’s it provides an increased number of orders and customers. Whereas it provides an advantage to customer’s by an option of “”always open”” store which is more convenient.

Convenient: It eliminates travel time and cost both which were invested by the customers to reach their preferred physical store to get the product of their choice. Now, one can easily visit any virtual store without any trouble and get the product of their choice easily. No more travel required!

Create Markets for Niche Products: Buyers and sellers of niche products can find it difficult to locate each other in the physical world. Online, it is only a matter of time as the customer search for any product anytime through a search engine and gets the product of their choice. With virtual display options it is now also easier to preview the product that is being offered by the company. Get the item of your choice with full insight.

Quick transactions: It offers automation of checkout, billing, payments, inventory management, and other operational processes for the customers ease. This also lowers the manpower required run a business as 1 to 2 people can easily handle Ecommerce. website.

Quick product search: It is no longer about pushing a shopping cart in the correct aisle, or searching hard for the desired product. With this, customers can click through intuitive navigation option to immediately simplify their product search. Some websites also remember customer preferences and shopping lists to facilitate repeat purchase.

However, the benefits are not limited, as this offer extensive set of applications and functionalities with it. If you are kick starting your online business then this can prove to be a quick approaching tool to both increases the leads and as well to double the profits. There are many companies that offer such Website design proposals for you.”

Using Website clone software to create a replica

Friday, February 1st, 2013

Have you ever wanted to create the next Facebook or any other most popular website on the internet or yourself? Well you’re not alone then because thousands of people also aspire to get the same. Everybody wants a top selling site for their business that can turn the eyes of millions on the World Wide Web and get top most attention. But the main question that arises here is that what is the key element of such top ranking sites?


Logic tells us that if they are successful then if we copy what they do and have a similar type of identity for our self then we will be successful too. Cloning can give you assured results and a tried and tested template for your site, so you will not need to invest much of time choosing the designs and other assets. You can simply select the design of your choice and get it cloned for your business too.


There are many companies around that are offering cloning services for catering your business needs. These companies are having floods of Website Clone Scripts for you that you can choose from and create an exact replica of the original one for yourself. Earlier, the cloning process was a bit complicated though, and requires many long listed things to carry out the needed work. Also it was very time consuming. But today with technology moving up in every sector, this task is much simplified with the help of Website clone software’s entry into the cloning world. It now has become a quick process and also delivering 100% efficient outputs.


What actually does this Website clone software do?


The Website clone software will make the cloning process automated by carrying out all the required actions involved in the process quickly. It will save both time and manual efforts. Below are the few actions that are carried out by this copy software.


  • It makes a backup of the original site before making its replica.
  • Uses this backup to create a copy for the new one.
  • Generates a new alias for the clone.
  • Deploys the backup copy to the new location of the clone.
  • The new site will be imported and verified in the system and relevant configurations will be saved.
  • It downloads the web page whose address you specify as well as the all the Web pages linked from that web page that you specify. This software also copies (clones) the entire site.

However, this process can look complicated for you as you are not a professional in the following area. It will be more convenient if you get this done from any website cloning company that are offering quick cloning services through Website clone software use. They will professionally take care of all aspects and will provide you will the final Website Clone Scripts.


Website copying can be a convenient way to kick start your online business and get recognition for your brand and products quickly without working too hard. You got all the already made, tried and tested contents on your plate to enjoy the treat. You will be saved from working from scratch and creating the complete one. Also, with these Website Clone Scripts you can change and append any feature you want to add or delete in your copy. This is the most convenient way to make your dreams come into reality and get a successful online business without any hassle. In other words, cloning can be used as a simulation tool to anticipate the results of upgrading a site to a new release or build safely. you may visit

Issues related to website development and design

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

With soaring competition in website development and design much new innovative technologies can be seen today. With all businesses moving up to the internet there is a tough completion awaiting for the web designers and developers. Not only the demand for unique and better design is increasing as web owners are also looking for skyrocketing functionalities for their websites. In a competition to drive maximum traffic to their website than their peers they are investing both time and finance.

If you are successful in getting people to your website then you are a sure winner. But your task doesn’t just end there as proper maintenance and updating is very crucial for the websites. As people look for fresh and current information on the World Wide Web you have to make sure that you engage in proper web maintenance services with your web developers. And if you are going for Copy a website scenario then making sure that all the functionalities are properly integrated and all the irrelevant ones are altered is very important. However, today many Website copy software’s have come up in the market which are proving to be very useful in website copying.

Either creating a fresh new website or go for Copy a website there are several troublesome areas your website may come across with. Taking care of such areas and resolving them at the earliest will help you with a proper functioning website. Some of them are as follows:

  • Poor Quality Design

This is the major issue that may arise during the website development. Having a fresh and appealing website design is very important as there is a sea of websites online that are competing to mark their identity. If your website design is unattractive you will be thrown at the darker corners of internet with nil visitors. And if you are Copy a website case then you must take extra care about the design as you may end up categorized as a spam.

  • Poor Navigation

Navigation is perhaps the most important element of any web design. Whatever form of primary navigation you choose make sure it’s consistent throughout your site. If you have a big website that’s well categorized you will surely attract many visitors and will be able to convince them to browse along to all your inner pages. Tabs can be a really effective means of primary navigation.

  • Slow loading time

Most users will not tolerate a slow website, if you ignore this issue you are going to lose a lot of potential visitors to your website. You should make sure that your pages respond within a second or ideally in one tenth of a second. Avoiding flash content and too many images may help you shorten your loading time.

  • No clear communication

One of the most common pitfalls is a website that does not clearly communicate to the customers. For an instance, if it is selling a product, it does not explain clearly what the product is, and the benefits or how to buy it. Having a clear and transparent communication will attract many eyeballs to your website thus increasing your revenues.

  • Broken Links

If your site has not functioning links users will be frustrated and will assume that you do not perform regular maintenance on your website and turn away from your website. Running monthly maintenance checks on your websites to ensure that any broken links are identified and removed is very important.

Unfortunately, many websites fail to take care of such simple things and end up losing visitors to their websites. Taking care not to avoid such points will give you a proper running website and loads of traffic. Also, when going for a Copy a website using standard and licensed Website copy software is crucial.

Website design proposal by a web development company

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

Creating a website for your business was once considered a big task. But today with vast and easy options available, creating a website in not so difficult. All the business owners of small to big businesses are either creating their own business website or getting an already developed design from the internet. Some also go for outsourcing help to design the website for their business. These companies will provide professional best services as they will be experts in the following area and carry out such work daily. Apart from walking to a physical store you can now also get many online options to approach such companies through internet by just sitting at home. You can browse along many such companies and select which you find better of them all.

There are many website development companies who offer best Web site design proposals to fit all the needs and requirements of the clients today. Once can easily select from their wide range of Website proposals based upon ones requirement and budget. They just have to visit their website and fill the required form which is given on the website and fill all their details and request for a quote. Website proposal is actually a blue pint for the actual model of the website that is needed to be created. When a customer fills all the business details the web developers will calculate all the areas and will provide you with the best suited model designs and the estimated cost associated with each model. You can either select based upon the design or even go about choosing a cheaper option.

The website developers there will look into all your requirements and suggest a flexible and customizable Website design proposal for you. They will not just provide a single template instead they will offer several models to choose from which suits your criteria and business categories. However, their website proposals are not limited and you can select from the wide range of models.

Once you get a Website design proposal from them you have to look upon your requirements and select the most appropriate option for your website and have to order a design you may find good for creating a website for yourself. It is not necessary to completely integrate the entire design; you can also change and modify the templates by adding and deleting certain features you are interested in. You can either delete some features or add certain functionalities which may be absent in a particular design template you selected. You can also implement two or the three website functions into one single website too. For an instance, if you’re creating an art website you can integrate both Ecommerce application and some customizable design tools one single design, so that the users can create their own art pieces and buy them instantly form the website itself.

Certainly, a Website design proposal will give you a clear picture of how your final website will look like. With this blueprint you can change or correct all the aspects or areas which you feel are not correct and thus will save extra cost and time of redesigning the entire website again. So, the better and the most convenient option of creating a website that will both attract the user’s eye and will be ranked well with the search engines is by taking a professional help from a qualified website development company. They along with their team of expert engineers, designers and testers will provide you with a good working website along with the best and unique design. for information visit us at


Keep your website copy simple and straightforward

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Copying is the act of selling in print. Therefore, its job is no different. Today with a rise in the trend of a ‘Copy a website’ many businesses are looking for it rather than going for creating a complete new design. Nevertheless the reason can be cost reduction, time consuming or also individuals may think that a fully running website can assure of acceptance from the customers online. But this is not easy as it sounds to be. As websites involve no human interaction that you normally get in a physical sales encounter, your copy job therefore brings up an even greater responsibility.

Though Copy a website is a convenient option especially now with Copy website software available in the markets, at times it may fail to bring the expected results. An effective website starts with a clear objective that will lead to a specific action or outcome. If your website is not meant to, tell, sell a product, gain customers or obtain an inquiry for more information, then what exactly it is meant for? Work around the answer and you will come up with a focused answer that will help you to set up your website objectives.

There are many facets where the website copy fails. For an instance, an obscure copy that fails to invoke emotions, tell compelling stories and excite the prospects about the product & service is indeed one of the most common reasons why your website copy fails. Basically, a website copy must also communicate with that same enthusiasm as the pioneer one does, and this will help to energize your prospects, delight them about your offering and persuade them to buy it from you.

Apart from instilling an emotion into your website copy, giving your prospects something they can understand, believe in and act upon will add up additional spunk to it. For an instance, a car dealer website must showcase the features of some selected models and differentiate them with the others to convince the customer to buy it. Eventually, many websites also fail to answer a customer’s most important question ‘What’s in it for me?’ The website developers get so occupied in showcasing companies, products, features or advantages over their peers that they fail to appeal to the visitor specifically. The number one reason for this issue of why a website doesn’t convert is that the website copy is targeting the wrong audience or fails to connect with them directly. The main goal for your website must be serving the prospects.

Appealing the prospect is not an easy task though, especially when you go for Copy a website option. Every website’s goal is to turn curious browsers into serious buyers and for this they must clearly answer all the customer’s queries like ‘why only this?’, ‘When can it?’, ‘How can I get it?’ and etc. When you use Copy website software you must clearly differentiate your copy with the pioneer by making applicable changes as per your offerings and areas. To club it all, a website copy must be simple and straightforward and serve the prospect precisely.

However, the most common mistake that the marketers and copywriters commit is that they do not ensure that your website copy connects to the genuine audience. A professional selling website must not only serve the customers but also must speak their language, talks about their needs, and tells stories they can easily appreciate and relate with themselves. If a website succeeds in convincing the prospect that his products are exactly what they are looking for then certainly their Copy a website campaign can be a success.